This show finished on Saturday 31 December 1988, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

The Rocky Horror Remix


Wednesday 01 January 1986 - Saturday 31 December 1988


Bedlam Theatre






This show was imported from the old website. If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.

When the Claws Out Theatre Company undertook to perform “ The Rocky Horror remix “ a number of problems arose between E.U.T.C. and the visiting company, whose members included some members of E.U.T.C. This dispute led to the then Secretary of E.U.T.C. offering her resignation for a number of reasons relating to the conduct of Claws Out Theatre Company and the production concerned, in that the Secretary felt obliged to make herself liable for certain undertakings of other members of “ Claws Out”. While these problems were perhaps unavoidable, they were nothings over which the Secretary had control or could be held responsible for.

When a useful Company member is obliged to leave, there is cause for sadness. When the circumstances are such as they appear to have been in this case, the regret is doubly deep.

Edinburgh’s Bedlam Theatre p.23-24

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