Abigail La Liberte

Acting since I was eight, I have done musicals and plays ranging from comedic to tragedy to military court-room drama. I have played both ridiculous roles (Lina Lamont) and strong characters (Marianne Dashwood and Joanne Galloway). Last year I stage-managed Woyzeck, assistant set managed and set-managed Candlewasters, and was lead assistant stage-manager for Footlight’s Production of RENT. I also participated in ImpsTech. This year I am Bedlam’s Front of House manager.


"Woyzeck" by Georg Büchner

Wednesday 29 October 2014

You go through the world like an open razor.

Position: Stage Manager

"Candlewasters: Flash Theatre" by Charlie Ralph / Joshua Zitser / Liam Rees / Scott Redmond / Liv Burton / Clemie Lampard / Esmond Sage

Monday 19 January 2015

A collection of very short new writing from the frenzied minds of the Edinburgh University Theatre Company.

Position: Stage Manager

"Poems About Things " by Never Set

Tuesday 20 January - Friday 23 January 2015

A play with ninjas, postboxes, jellyfish, the first female president of Namibia and poetry. What more could you ask for? Nothing, that’s what.

Position: Stage Manager

"Candlewasters: March 2015" by Rosie Gailor / Rory Kelly / Julia Carstairs / Rob Younger / Clemie Lampard

Saturday 28 March 2015

A collection of short, new writing from the frenzied minds of the Edinburgh University Theatre Company.

Position: Set Manager

"Cagebirds" by David Campton

Tuesday 27 October - Saturday 31 October 2015

"The world stretches further than the few inches between your ears"

Position: Assistant Director

"A Clockwork Orange" by Never Set

Wednesday 15 November 2017

“I would there were no age between ten and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is not...

Position: Director