Leon Niven


"Festival of New Theatre in Scotland (FoNTS) " by Various

Monday 14 March - Wednesday 16 March 2022

A new festival celebrating new theatre from our Community

Position: Productions Coordinator / Tech Crew

"Intro to Gardening" by Leon Niven

Monday 12 September 2022

Do you want to do some gardening? Are you annoyed with the lack of space in your uni flat for you to grow stuff? Come...

Position: Gardener

"Spiderman: Into the Pantoverse" by Em Leites McPherson & Lewis Eggeling

Wednesday 30 November - Saturday 03 December 2022

With great panto comes great responsibility.

Position: Co-Director / Co-Musical Director

"halfRead: The Wonderland Report" by Killian Grace MacDonald

Friday 27 January 2023


Position: Actor (Niv)

"A Halfbaked Heist" by Em Leites McPherson

Friday 10 March 2023

A silly play about baking. Tickets come with cake!

Position: Actor (Bernie Jambits)

"Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Tuesday 17 October 2023

A halfBaked production

Position: Producer

"halfBaked 2023/2024" by Never Set

Tuesday 17 October 2023 - Thursday 28 March 2024

halfBaked returns for its second year of goofiness, hijinks, low-stakes theatre, and fully baked goods!

Position: Producer / Showrunner

"halfBled: DRACULA" by Bram Stoker

Thursday 02 November 2023

A halfBaked Halloween

Position: Producer

"Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Thursday 16 November 2023

A halfBaked Christmas

Position: Producer

"Sherlock Holmes: Choose Your Own halfVenture" by Leon Niven

Friday 26 January 2024

A halfBaked Improv

Position: Producer

"Pride & Prejudice" by Eloise Reading, adapted by Em Leites McPherson

Friday 09 February 2024

A halfBaked Valentine's

Position: Producer

"Sherlock Holmes and the Bohemian Scandal" by Dave Bumnote

Tuesday 05 March 2024

A halfBaked production

Position: Producer

"Lanval's Lay (or, King Arthur and the Side Quest)" by Leon Niven & Em Leites McPherson

Thursday 28 March 2024

A hArthurian legend

Position: Producer

"halfLight: A Vampiric Parody" by Leon Niven

Thursday 12 September 2024

High school sucks... and so does this play!

Position: Producer

"Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Lion's Mane" by Leon Niven

Friday 18 October 2024

Sherlock Holmes is peacefully retired, both from solving crimes and committing them. Intrigue and excitement nonethel...

Position: Producer