This show finished on Tuesday 17 October 2023, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League

A halfBaked production


Tuesday 17 October 2023


Bedlam Theatre




Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


halfBaked 2023/2024


A halfBaked production of Sherlock Holmes’ most ginger adventure…yet! Join us to witness the confounding tale of the mysterious Red-Headed League.

In true halfBaked style, not all performers will be off book, and there will be (fully) baked goods provided with every ticket, so BYOB, and join us for a reasonably good time!

Adapted from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story by Leon Niven

Cast and Crew


Actor (Billy Whiggins) Abbie Swallow

Actor (Jabez Wilson/Mr Merryweather) Luke Hardwick

Actor (Jean Glaise) Orpheus Calame

Actor (John Watson) Andrew More

Actor (Mrs Hudson/Inspector Jones) India Hunter

Actor (Sherlock Holmes) Polly Dunn

Director Meri Suonenlahti

Producer Leon Niven

Set Assistant Ching Zhan

Stage Manager Jack Read

Tech Assistant Isobel Sherlock

Tech Manager Leon Lee


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