
These are all the venues the EUTC has performed at. Most shows nowadays are done at the Bedlam Theatre, but sometimes the EUTC ventures outside of their home. Some of the venues listed are no longer used for performances.


Macrobert Arts Centre

University of Stirling

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Miscellaneous Social Venues

The places we do socials in

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Nottingham New Theatre

The other entirely student-run theatre in the UK

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National Student Drama Festival

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Old College

The university law buildings

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Old Kirk

Another Church converted into a theatre

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Old St Paul’s

Scottish Episcopal Church in Old Town

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Over the Air

The Internet

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Palladium Theatre

A theatre in fountainbrigde that was demolished in 1984

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Pleasance Munro

Room in Pleasance

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Pleasance Theatre

EUSA-run Theatre at the Pleasance Societies Centre

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Pleasance Upper Hall

Called Pleasance Above during Fringe

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Officially the Potterrow Mandela Centre

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Royal Lyceum Theatre

A Grade A listed theatre in central Edinburgh, that opened in 1883

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Scottish Storytelling Centre

Formerly the Netherbow Theatre

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Southside Community Center

During Fringe it is Zoo Venues

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St. Andrew's Orthodox Church

Previously Buccleuch Hall

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St. Cecilia's Hall

UoE Venue in Cowgate

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St. Columba's Catholic Church

Used to be called St. Columba’s Hall

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Stepping Stones Theatre

Took over the old Traverse building for a few years in the mid-90's

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Studio Live

Portland Building, Nottingham

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Independent Community Events Venue

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Teviot Debating Hall

The Debating Hall is no stranger to traditional ceilidhs, sit down dinners, receptions, buffets, club nights, band nights, parties, presentations and theatre evenings.

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Teviot Underground

Former space in Teviot Row House

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