This show finished on Thursday 30 January 2020, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

The Three Sisters


Wednesday 29 January - Thursday 30 January 2020


Bedlam Theatre




Anton Chekhov


“A new and happy age will begin. We, of course, shall not take part in it, but we live and work and even suffer today that it should come”

Chekhov’s The Three Sisters is the classic every actor dreams of starring in and every director dreads putting on.

Following the lives of Olga, Masha and Irina, The Three Sisters is one of Checkhov’s best known plays which deserves to be seen. Stagnant and frustrated in their family home in the country, the sisters dream of returning to Moscow where they believe life will begin anew after the death of their father. Starting on Irina’s name day, several guests, mostly friends of their late father, come to visit after being estranged for some years and pandemonium ensues. The relationships shown in The Three Sisters are sincere, relatable and in parts funny as rivalries and arguments resurface as life goes on outside the house over the plays four acts. Character driven, subtly comic and universally relatable, The Three Sisters is a classic play, given new life by great direction and a fantastic cast.

Tickets can be found HERE.

29th & 30th January 2020

Content Warnings: Distressing Sound Effects Mentions of Death

Cast and Crew


Actor Erin Bushe

Actor Judith Gottesman

Actor Maya Sargent

Actor William Boagey

Actor Ewan Bruce

Actor Liyana Ahmed

Actor Franziska Baumeister

Actor Jess Dullingham

Actor Evan Bayton

Actor Eduardo Fahey

Actor Scarlett Stitt

Actor William Nye

Assistant Technical Manager Mallory Smith

Director Sara Cemin

Lightning Designer Emma Hunt

Producer Jacob Henney

Stage Manager Lucy Roubicek

Technical Manager Sophie Totton


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