This show finished on Thursday 21 January 2016, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

Viking Longboat


Thursday 21 January 2016


Bedlam Theatre




Never Set


Bedfest 2016


Viking Longboat is an hour of improvised comedy from five people who have a varying knowledge of where they are and what they’re doing. The group features amongst their ranks both current and former Improverts and members of the Edinburgh Revue. Just as the longboat facilitated the seafaring skills of the Vikings, the Viking Longboats want you to give them the tools for being hilarious. That’s right, there’s a bit of cheeky audience suggestion involved. Don’t get thinking you will be putting all the effort in though.

Working off your suggestions in their debut show, Tom, Charlie, Josie, Miranda and Jon are going to joke, shout, hop, skip and jump around just for your entertainment. Over the past few months, the Longboats have been devising their own formats of long-form improvised comedy, helped along the way by Co-op pizza and Tom’s mad circus skills. Unlike the games you’ve seen in the Improverts, these formats are more like stories than games and as the name suggests, the long-form platforms means they will also be longer. Each show will feature about two or three improvised pieces. Performing these new styles for the first time, this show guarantees weirdness and probably some laughter too. Either way, these 5 are pretty confused; sweet people and your support would mean the world we’re sure.

If you like Viking Longboat, you might like The Improverts.

Cast and Crew


Performer Charlie Ralph

Performer Jonathan Oldfield

Performer Thomas Joyce

Performer Josie Miller

Performer Miranda Rivett

Stage Manager Megan Henry

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